Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Financial institutions that accept deposits and make loans are called ________ institutions.

20) Because there is an imbalance of information in a lending situation, we must deal with the
problems of adverse selection and moral hazard. Define these terms and explain how financial
intermediaries can reduce these problems.
Answer: Adverse selection is the asymmetric information problem that exists before the
transaction occurs. For lenders, it is the difficulty in judging a good credit risk from a bad
credit risk. Moral hazard is the asymmetric information problem that exists after the
transaction occurs. For lenders, it is the difficulty in making sure the borrower uses the
funds appropriately. Financial intermediaries can reduce adverse selection through
intensive screening and can reduce moral hazard by monitoring the borrower.
Ques Status: Previous Edition
2.6 Types of Financial Intermediaries
1) Financial institutions that accept deposits and make loans are called ________ institutions.
A) investment
B) contractual savings
C) depository
D) underwriting
Answer: C
Ques Status: Previous Edition
2) Thrift institutions include
A) banks, mutual funds, and insurance companies.
B) savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks, and credit unions.
C) finance companies, mutual funds, and money market funds.
D) pension funds, mutual funds, and banks.
Answer: B
Ques Status: Previous Edition
3) Which of the following is a depository institution?
A) A life insurance company
B) A credit union
C) A pension fund
D) A mutual fund
Answer: B
Ques Status: Previous Edition
4) Which of the following is a depository institution?
A) A life insurance company
B) A mutual savings bank
C) A pension fund
D) A finance company
Answer: B
Ques Status: Previous Edition
5) Which of the following financial intermediaries is not a depository institution?
A) A savings and loan association
B) A commercial bank
C) A credit union
D) A finance company
Answer: D
Ques Status: Previous Edition
6) The primary assets of credit unions are
A) municipal bonds.
B) business loans.
C) consumer loans.
D) mortgages.
Answer: C
Ques Status: Previous Edition
7) The primary liabilities of a commercial bank are
A) bonds.
B) mortgages.
C) deposits.
D) commercial paper.
Answer: C
Ques Status: Previous Edition
8) The primary liabilities of depository institutions are
A) premiums from policies.
B) shares.
C) deposits.
D) bonds.
Answer: C
Ques Status: Previous Edition
9) ________ institutions are financial intermediaries that acquire funds at periodic intervals on a
contractual basis.
A) Investment
B) Contractual savings
C) Thrift
D) Depository
Answer: B
Ques Status: Previous Edition
10) Which of the following is a contractual savings institution?
A) A life insurance company
B) A credit union
C) A savings and loan association
D) A mutual fund
Answer: A
Ques Status: Previous Edition

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