Monday, 21 November 2022

The following trial balance of Blues Traveler Corporation does not balance

The following trial balance of Blues Traveler Corporation does not balance

 The following trial balance of Blues Traveler Corporation does not balance

The following trial balance of Blues Traveler Corporation does not balance


Services performed on account for a client $2,250, and it is correctly debited in accounts receivable account but wrong amount credited in service revenue account, i.e., $225. Service revenue should be credited by $2,025 ($2,250-$225) to correct the above-stated error.
While paying the telephone charges of $90, cash is debited by mistake, and it needs to be credited to rectify the error; cash is to be credited by $190($95+$95).
Service revenue totaled $5,200 instead of $5,280; fewer amounts is credited in the service revenue account, so to rectify the error, $80 ($5,280-$5,200) is more to be credited in the service revenue account.



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