Tuesday, 1 February 2022

This version of the sentence is logically and consistently in the past tense. This tense supports the meaning of the sentence.

 Read the following sentence with a mixed construction, then choose the correctly revised sentence(s) from the answer choices below. Select all that apply.
When I get up ten minutes earlier means that I can avoid the heavy traffic that always makes me late for work.
Multiple select question.
Because I get up ten minutes earlier means that I can avoid the heavy traffic that always makes me late for work.
Incorrect. Although the first word When was changed to Because, this sentence still consists of a subordinate clause used as a subject. The sentence could be corrected by adding the subject it before the verb means.
Getting up ten minutes earlier means that I can avoid the heavy traffic that always makes me late for work.
Correct. The phrase Getting up ten minutes earlier is correctly used as a subject paired with the verb means.
When I get up ten minutes earlier, I can avoid the heavy traffic that always makes me late for work.
Correct. This sentence corrects the mixed construction by eliminating means that, which leaves an independent clause that can stand alone.
When I get up ten minutes earlier, it means that I can avoid the heavy traffic that always makes me late for work.
Correct. This sentence consists of a subordinate clause and a main clause that can stand alone.
Correct Answer
Getting up ten minutes earlier means that I can avoid the heavy traffic that always makes me late for work.
When I get up ten minutes earlier, I can avoid the heavy traffic that always makes me late for work.
When I get up ten minutes earlier, it means that I can avoid the heavy traffic that always makes me late for work.
The following sentence contains two clauses. The clauses are separated by a slash: /. Read the sentence, and then choose the option that describes the voice pattern within the sentence.
The product launch was declared a success, / and our boss said she would take us all to dinner to celebrate.
Multiple choice question.
active voice | active voice
Incorrect. Check the different verb forms (was declared vs. said) to help determine which clause is passive.
passive voice | passive voice
Incorrect. Only one of the two clauses is passive. Check the different verb forms (was declared vs. said) and notice which subject is doing an action to help determine which clause is active.
active voice | passive voice
Incorrect. Check the different verb forms (was declared vs. said), and notice whether the subject of each clause is doing an action or being acted upon to help determine which clause is passive and which is active.
passive voice | active voice
Correct. The first clause contains a passive verb form (was declared), and the subject of the sentence is acted upon rather than doing an action.
Correct Answer
passive voice | active voice

Indicate whether or not the sentence contains a mixed construction.
Mixed construction
Mixed construction Drop zone 1 of 3 Though we were excited about our trip, yet we had not planned our itinerary or started packing. correct Toggle Button Unavailable.
Though we were excited about our trip, yet we had not planned our itinerary or started packing.
Mixed construction Drop zone 2 of 3 Because Hiro was a light sleeper, for he always woke up when his roommate came in late. correct Toggle Button Unavailable.
Because Hiro was a light sleeper, for he always woke up when his roommate came in late.
Mixed construction Drop zone 3 of 3 The weather forecast for next weekend looks beautiful, so we are going camping. incorrect Toggle Button Unavailable.
The weather forecast for next weekend looks beautiful, so we are going camping.
No mixed construction
No mixed construction Drop zone 1 of 3 Joanna was not prepared for her speech presentation, nor had she finished her lab homework that was due today. correct Toggle Button Unavailable.
Joanna was not prepared for her speech presentation, nor had she finished her lab homework that was due today.
No mixed construction Drop zone 2 of 3 While Shaila avoided a crash, yet she traveled the thruway during whiteout conditions. incorrect Toggle Button Unavailable.
While Shaila avoided a crash, yet she traveled the thruway during whiteout conditions.
No mixed construction Drop zone 3 of 3 My mother gave me a present, and I am using it to book a dancing lesson. correct Toggle Button Unavailable.
My mother gave me a present, and I am using it to book a dancing lesson.
Correct Answer
•    Mixed construction
Choice, Though we were excited about our trip, yet we had not planned our itinerary or started packing.
Though we were excited about our trip, yet we had not planned our itinerary or started packing.
, Choice, Because Hiro was a light sleeper, for he always woke up when his roommate came in late.
Because Hiro was a light sleeper, for he always woke up when his roommate came in late.
, Choice, While Shaila avoided a crash, yet she traveled the thruway during whiteout conditions.
While Shaila avoided a crash, yet she traveled the thruway during whiteout conditions.
•    No mixed construction
Choice, Joanna was not prepared for her speech presentation, nor had she finished her lab homework that was due today.
Joanna was not prepared for her speech presentation, nor had she finished her lab homework that was due today.
, Choice, The weather forecast for next weekend looks beautiful, so we are going camping.
The weather forecast for next weekend looks beautiful, so we are going camping.
, Choice, My mother gave me a present, and I am using it to book a dancing lesson.
My mother gave me a present, and I am using it to book a dancing lesson.

Identify the correct use of coordinating conjunctions from the answer choices below.
Multiple choice question.
The marketing copy is confusing and revising it tomorrow.
Incorrect. A coordinating conjunction (such as so or and) cannot be used to join unequal elements such as a main clause and a phrase.
The marketing copy is confusing, then I will revise it tomorrow.
Incorrect. This sentence incorrectly uses a subordinating conjunction (then) to join the two main clauses.
The marketing copy is confusing, so I will revise it tomorrow.
Correct. Coordinating conjunctions (such as so) can be used to connect equal elements, such as two main clauses.
Correct Answer
The marketing copy is confusing, so I will revise it tomorrow.

Identify the grammatically correct sentence that contains a mixed construction.
Multiple choice question.
SWOT analysis is a technique used by companies to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that can impact their businesses.
Incorrect. This sentence is grammatically correct and does not contain a mixed construction.
SWOT analysis is where companies identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that can impact their businesses.
Correct. This sentence is grammatically correct but contains a mixed construction. SWOT analysis is not a place, so the word where is illogical.
Companies use SWOT analysis to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that can impact their businesses.
Incorrect. This sentence is grammatically correct and does not contain a mixed construction.
Correct Answer
SWOT analysis is where companies identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that can impact their businesses.
Identify the grammatically correct sentence that does not contain a mixed construction.
Multiple choice question.
A republic is a nation in which the voters elect the head of state.
Correct. This sentence is grammatically correct and does not contain a mixed construction.
A republic is when the voters elect the head of state.
Incorrect. This sentence is grammatically correct but contains a mixed construction. A republic is not a time, so the word when is inappropriate.
A republic is where the voters elect the head of state.
Incorrect. This sentence is grammatically correct but contains a mixed construction. A republic, in this context, is not a place, so the word where is inappropriate.
Correct Answer
A republic is a nation in which the voters elect the head of state.
Choose the item that uses a comma or commas correctly.
Multiple choice question.
Our budget is very tight this year so, I will ask everyone to avoid wasting office supplies.
Incorrect. The comma in this sentence should come between the two independent clauses and before, not after, the coordinating conjunction so.
Our budget is very tight this year, so I will ask everyone to avoid wasting office supplies.
Correct. The comma in this sentence is placed between the two independent clauses and before the coordinating conjunction so.
Our budget is very tight this year so I will ask everyone, to avoid wasting office supplies.
Incorrect. The comma in this sentence should come between the two independent clauses and before, not after, the coordinating conjunction so. A comma should not set off the prepositional phrase to avoid wasting office supplies because it is the object of the verb ask.
Correct Answer
Our budget is very tight this year, so I will ask everyone to avoid wasting office supplies.

Identify the correct use of coordinating conjunctions from the answer choices below.
Multiple choice question.
He sailed around the world for two years with no crew yet since he had no one to talk to.
The company's other accountant was sick all week yet since Marco had no one to talk to.
Incorrect. A coordinating conjunction (such as yet) cannot be used to join unequal elements such as a main clause and a phrase.
The company's other accountant was sick all week for while Marco had no one to talk to.
Incorrect. A coordinating conjunction (such as for) cannot be used to join unequal elements such as a main clause and a phrase.
The company's other accountant was sick all week, so Marco had no one to talk to.
Correct. Coordinating conjunctions can be used to connect equal elements, such as two main clauses.
Correct Answer
The company's other accountant was sick all week, so Marco had no one to talk to.

Identify the grammatically correct sentence that does not contain a mixed construction.
Multiple choice question.
A line drive is where a batter hits the ball low and fast in a straight line.
Incorrect. This sentence is grammatically correct but contains a mixed construction. A line drive is not a place, so the word where is inappropriate.
A line drive is a type of hit that sends the ball low and fast in a straight line.
Correct. This sentence is grammatically correct and does not contain a mixed construction.
A line drive is when a batter hits the ball low and fast in a straight line.
Incorrect. This sentence is grammatically correct but contains a mixed construction. A line drive is not a time, so the word when is inappropriate.
Correct Answer
A line drive is a type of hit that sends the ball low and fast in a straight line.

Identify the sentence that uses a comma correctly.
Multiple choice question.
Nicholas checks his hair constantly and, it is always exactly as he styled it in the morning.
Incorrect. The comma in this sentence should be placed between the two independent clauses and before, not after, the coordinating conjunction and.
Nicholas checks his hair constantly, and it is always exactly as he styled it in the morning.
Correct. The comma in this sentence is placed between the two independent clauses and before the coordinating conjunction and.
Nicholas checks his hair constantly and it is always exactly as he styled it, in the morning.
Incorrect. A comma should be placed between the two independent clauses and before the coordinating conjunction and. A comma should not be used to set off the prepositional phrase in the morning at the end of the sentence.
Correct Answer
Nicholas checks his hair constantly, and it is always exactly as he styled it in the morning.

Identify the sentence that uses a comma or commas correctly.
Multiple choice question.
Regardless, the check must be in our office by the fifteenth.
Correct. A comma comes after the transitional expression Regardless.
Regardless the check must be in our office, by the fifteenth.
Incorrect. A comma should come after the transitional expression Regardless. A comma should not set off the prepositional phrase by the fifteenth.
Regardless the check must be, in our office, by the fifteenth.
Incorrect. A comma should come after the transitional expression Regardless. Commas should not set off the phrase in our office.
Correct Answer
Regardless, the check must be in our office by the fifteenth.

Identify the sentence that correctly places the comma after the introductory subordinate clause.
Multiple choice question.
Before she began, work each day Margaret neatly arranged all of the items on her desk.
Incorrect. The comma should separate the introductory subordinate clause (Before she began work each day) from the independent clause.
Before, she began work each day Margaret neatly arranged all of the items on her desk.
Incorrect. The comma should separate the introductory subordinate clause (Before she began work each day) from the independent clause.
Before she began work each day, Margaret neatly arranged, all of the items on her desk.
Incorrect. A comma should be placed after the introductory subordinate clause Before she began work each day. A comma does not belong after arranged.
Before she began work each day, Margaret neatly arranged all of the items on her desk.
Correct. The comma should be placed after the introductory subordinate clause Before she began work each day.
Correct Answer
Before she began work each day, Margaret neatly arranged all of the items on her desk.

Choose the revised version of the sentence below that corrects the unnecessary shift in verb tense.
For several years before my father entered the Navy, he will be a barber.
Multiple choice question.
For several years before my father entered the Navy, he was a barber.
Correct. This version of the sentence is logically and consistently in the past tense. This tense supports the meaning of the sentence.
For several years before my father entered the Navy, he is being a barber.
Incorrect. This version of the sentence has an unnecessary shift from past to present that doesn’t support the logical meaning of the sentence.
For several years before my father entered the Navy, he is a barber.
Incorrect. This version of the sentence has an unnecessary shift from the past to the present tense, which doesn’t support the logical meaning of the sentence.
Correct Answer
For several years before my father entered the Navy, he was a barber.

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